Price: $SMOOTH Dexscreener


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You are a ~smooth brained*~ for buying this coin. Like actually.

*fucking retarded

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$SMOOTH Is the Internet’s first smoothbrain coin.

1,000,000,000 Tokens. Zero Tax. Zero Team Tokens. Fair Launch.

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Our mission is simple: If you buy $SMOOTH, congrats, you've just embraced your inner smoothness. It's the crypto equivalent of eating glue in class—not recommended, but undeniably memorable. Smoothbrainers embracing the chaos of the crypto beacuse we’re retards. Join our retarded quest (but don’t actually buy our coin).

$SMOOTH‘s “Special Mission

1. Download and install Phantom Wallet (link)

Phantom Wallet is a crypto wallet trusted by millions of users globally that you can download for free allowing you to connect to the Solana blockchain and swap for $SMOOTH.

2. Get some SOL

Get Solana tokens into your Phantom Wallet by clicking the “Buy” button within the app and using Moonpay to transfer funds from your bank or card. Here's a link to step by step instructions if you need a little extra help. You can also send SOL to your Phantom Wallet address from any crypto exchange. Now you’re ready to swap for $SMOOTH!

3. Go to Raydium Exchange to swap SOL for $SMOOTH

Connect your wallet to Raydium Exchange and swap SOL for $SMOOTH. The token address should import automatically, but always make sure to use the $SMOOTH SOL contract address (see below) then click swap and follow the prompts in your Phantom wallet.

Contract Address for $SMOOTH on Solana:


How to Acquire $SMOOTH

(But Seriously, Don't):

Godfather Smoothbrains




Disclosure Nonsense

Legal Disclosure for SmoothBrain Coin ($SMOOTH)

Clarification of Nature: SmoothBrain Coin ($SMOOTH) is a digital asset designed for entertainment and meme-sharing purposes within the cryptocurrency community. It is expressly not a security, investment product, or a form of currency recognized by any jurisdiction or regulatory authority. Do not buy this coin, you are truly smoothbrained if you buy this coin.

Non-Investment Advice: The information provided regarding SmoothBrain Coin ($SMOOTH) is for general information and entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as financial or investment advice. No content on our website should be relied upon as a basis for purchasing, trading, or holding the SmoothBrain Coin ($SMOOTH) or any other digital asset.

Information Accuracy: While we endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the content on our website for any purpose. Any reliance placed on such information is strictly at the user's own risk.

Acknowledgment of Risk: Engaging with SmoothBrain Coin ($SMOOTH) or any digital assets carries inherent risks of volatility and loss. The creators of SmoothBrain Coin ($SMOOTH) shall not be liable for any losses or damages arising from transactions or engagements with the coin.

Absence of Endorsements: Mention of third-party entities, coins, or cryptocurrencies is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by SmoothBrain Coin ($SMOOTH).

Regulatory Compliance: The creators of SmoothBrain Coin ($SMOOTH) do not imply any level of legal compliance or regulatory scrutiny applicable to recognized financial or currency systems. Users are solely responsible for ensuring their interaction with SmoothBrain Coin ($SMOOTH) does not contravene any laws or regulations to which they are subject.

Amendments: The terms of this disclosure may be revised at any time and without notice. It is the user's responsibility to remain informed of any changes as they occur.

Acceptance of Terms: By accessing and interacting with SmoothBrain Coin ($SMOOTH) and its associated materials, users acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of this disclosure in full.